How can you tell if your roof guttering and downpipe system is high quality? You will only notice it by not noticing it… In other words, if you have good guttering, you won’t have to think about it day by day – it will effectively do its job of protecting the foundations of your property without expensive maintenance or stress – year in, year out.
How can you tell if your gutters and downpipes are sub-standard? Trust us, you’ll know. Things may seem fine on a nice, sunny day, but as soon as there’s a turn in the weather, that’s when you’ll realise how crucial quality roof guttering and professional installation can be. Problem’s may not arise overnight, but wait too long and you’re in for an expensive ordeal of trying to fix/replace more than just your guttering.
Potential problems
If your gutters aren’t functioning properly and not diverting water where it should, it can lead to a number of nightmare situations, such as:
- Excessive rainwater pooling near base of property, causing foundational/structural problems to your home.
- Low lying areas become flooded.
- Causes erosion of soil, damaging your property’s landscaping.
- Weatherboard homes can experience paint damage and rotting boards from constant water exposure where gutters/downpipes leak.
- Homes with brick/masonry can be permanently stained.
- Driveways and concreted areas risk cracking due to water settling underneath.
How to avoid this?
Act now! Don’t wait. A poor guttering system affects many areas of a property, with repair costs far exceeding the investment of quality, professionally installed roof guttering materials.
Getting the right advice is imperative, and Kustom roofing are happy to provide our long-standing roofing experience to realise the best solution for you. If your gutters need an overhaul, we can help you through the process. If they just need some quick routine repairs, we’ll be honest in our inspections and get your gutters working properly to avoid compromising the integrity of your home.
Just remember, roof guttering is part of a long-term property investment, so think ahead and get it right the first time.
For more information, contact Kustom Roofing today.